En son 17 Eylül 2024 tarihinde güncellendi.

Altar of Agility, doğrudan Main Hall‘a bağlıdır yani Altar of Agility’yi yükseltebilmek için gereken materyal gereksinimlerinin yanı sıra Main Hall’un da belirli bir seviyeye getirilmesi gerekir.

Altar of Agility, seviye 14’e dek yükseltilebilmektedir.

Altar of Agility Bonusu

1Dexterity Bonus: +18Dexterity Bonus: +12
2Dexterity Bonus: +29Dexterity Bonus: +15
3Dexterity Bonus: +310Dexterity Bonus: +18
4Dexterity Bonus: +411Dexterity Bonus: +?
5Dexterity Bonus: +612Dexterity Bonus: +?
6Dexterity Bonus: +813Dexterity Bonus: +?
7Dexterity Bonus: +1014Dexterity Bonus: +?

Altar of Agility Yükseltme ve Tamir Masrafları

SeviyeBina GereksinimiCoin, BP ve BlueprintKaynakTamir KaynaklarıYükseltme Süresi (dk)
0 -> 1Yok400.000 Coin32x Copper Plate, 64x Stoneblock4x Copper Plate, 16x Stoneblock0,2 (12 sn)
1 -> 2Yok1.000.000 Coin64x Copper Plate, 120x Stoneblock8x Copper Plate, 32x Stoneblock10
2 -> 3Main Hall (3)2.000.000 Coin128x Copper Plate, 240x Stoneblock16x Copper Plate, 48x Stoneblock20
3 -> 4Main Hall (4)4.000.000 Coin240x Copper Plate, 448x Stoneblock32x Copper Plate, 64x Stoneblock60 (1 saat)
4 -> 5Main Hall (5)6.000.000 Coin, 4x Blueprint240x Iron Plate, 1.088x Stoneblock32x Iron Plate, 96x Stoneblock140
5 -> 6Main Hall (6)8.000.000 Coin, 8x Blueprint480x Iron Plate, 2.096x Stoneblock48x Iron Plate, 128x Stoneblock480 (8 saat)
6 -> 7Main Hall (7)12.000.000 Coin, 12x Blueprint600x Titanium Plate, 2.560x Stoneblock, 240x Marble Block48x Titanium Plate, 160x Stoneblock1.200 (20 saat)
7 -> 8Main Hall (8)20.000.000 Coin, 20x Blueprint1.200x Titanium Plate, 3.200x Stoneblock, 600x Marble Block64x Titanium Plate, 192x Stoneblock2.880 (2 gün)
8 -> 9Main Hall (9)40.000.000 Coin, 32x Blueprint480x Gold Plate, 4.320x Stoneblock, 384x Marble Block, 300x Granite Block32x Gold Plate, 320x Stoneblock7.200 (5 gün)
9 -> 10Main Hall (10)60.000.000 Coin, 52x Blueprint720x Gold Plate, 5.760x Stoneblock, 512x Marble Block, 400x Granite Block40x Gold Plate, 480x Stoneblock17.280 (12 gün)