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  1. Fixed an issue where players in the party were shown among players looking for a party in the “Party Matching” interface.
  2. Fixed an issue where the range feature in the springs was not seen.
  3. In the “Auction House” interface, production materials that are not visible in the search for goods are made visible. Fixed the problem that some wanted items could not be found.
  4. Fixed an issue where mages used field skills while crafting.
  5. Fixed some bugs in the game audio settings.
  6. After the use of “Rejuvenation Potion”, a “cooldown” arrangement was made for the use of other potions.
  7. Fixed the bug in the ability “Venom” .
  8. Fixed bugs in flags sold in the “Supply Merchant NPC”.
  9. Fixed the bug found in the “Pinfish” item.
  10. Fixed bugs in the descriptions of some items.
  11. Updated the rebirth period of animals “Stag” and “Chicken”.
  12. Fixed an issue where level 1 Stoneware gathering objects (Sandstone) were not visible on the Dorion map.
  13. Icons for the “Enhanced Pickaxe” and “Enhanced Secateurs” items have been edited.
  14. Fixed an issue where the “Enhanced Pickaxe” item did not work.
  15. Players who could not join the “Bloody Valley War” and “Crystal Fortress War” school and could not log in “When not found in the opponent’s game.” they will receive.
  16. Fixed name errors on some items.
  17. Fixed the effect explosion issue of the leather swimming animal “Tiger”.
  18. Fixed the issue of the “healing” ability making noise even though the sound was muted.
  19. Penalty information text has been added to the character selection screen.
Rise Online - 3.0.4 Patch Notes

Source: https://www.riseonlineworld.com/en/patch-notes/-patch-notes-3-0-4

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