Last updated on 7 January 2025.

Mining is one of the gathering life skills in Rise Online.

Mining is the life skill of gathering materials from mines using various pickaxes and is compatible with Smelting.

There are 4 different pickaxes for Mining:

Mining EXP Amounts

Between 1-10201.000
Between 11-201.464.000
Between 21-304.986.000
Between 31-4023.040.000

Gatherable Mines

Haddar / Hagard
Death Valley

The data on the page is colored to increase readability.

Copper Mine (Level 1+)

Copper Mine
Copper Mine
  • Spawns in Dorion and Kingdoms.
  • Each Copper Mine gives 5x Copper Ores in Dorion and 6x in Kingdoms.
  • Can be mined with all pickaxes.
    • Can be gathered in 5×18 = 90 seconds in Dorion, and in 6×18 = 108 seconds in Kingdoms with Common Pickaxe,
    • in 5×16 = 80 seconds in Dorion, and in 6×16 = 96 seconds in Kingdoms with Rare Pickaxe,
    • in 5×14 = 70 seconds in Dorion, and in 6×14 = 84 seconds in Kingdoms with Epic Pickaxe,
    • and in 5×12 = 60 seconds in Dorion, and in 6×12 = 72 seconds in Kingdoms with Unique Pickaxe.
  • Gives 250 (5×50) Mining EXP in Dorion and 360 (6×60) Mining EXP in Kingdoms.
  • The respawn time is 900 seconds (15 minutes) in Dorion and 600 seconds (10 minutes) in Kingdoms.

Iron Mine (Level 10+)

Iron Mine
Iron Mine
  • Spawns in Kingdoms and Haddar / Hagard.
  • Each Iron Mine gives 5x Iron Ores in Kingdoms, and 6x in Haddar / Hagard.
  • Can be mined with all Pickaxes except the Common one.
    • Can be gathered in 5×18 = 90 seconds in Kingdoms, and in 6×18 = 108 seconds in Haddar / Hagard with Rare Pickaxe,
    • in 5×16 = 80 seconds in Kingdoms, and in 6×16 = 96 seconds in Haddar / Hagard with Epic Pickaxe,
    • and in 5×14 = 70 seconds in Kingdoms, and in 6×14 = 84 seconds in Haddar / Hagard with Unique Pickaxe.
  • Gives 500 (5×100) Mining EXP in Kingdoms, 720 (6×120) Mining EXP in Haddar / Hagard.
  • There is a respawn time of 900 seconds (15 minutes) in Kingdoms, and 600 seconds (10 minutes) in Haddar / Hagard.

Corrupted Iron Mine (Level 10+)

Spawns in the Death Valley. It has the same traits as Iron Mine.

Titanium Mine (Level 20+)

Titanium Mine
Titanium Mine
  • Spawns in Haddar / Hagard and Death Valley.
  • Can be mined with the Epic and Unique Pickaxes.
    • Can be gathered in 5×18 = 90 seconds in Haddar / Hagard, and in 6×18 = 108 seconds in Death Valley with Epic Pickaxe,
    • and in 5×16 = 80 seconds in Haddar / Hagard, and in 6×16 = 96 seconds in Death Valley with Unique Pickaxe.
  • Each Titanium Mine gives 5x Titanium Ores in Haddar / Hagard and 6x in Death Valley.
  • Gives 1,000 (5×200) Mining EXP in Haddar / Hagard, and 1,800 (6×300) Mining EXP in Death Valley.
  • There is a respawn time of 900 seconds (15 minutes) in Haddar / Hagard, and 300 seconds (5 minutes) in Death Valley.

Corrupted Titanium Mine (Level 20+)

Respawns in Death Valley. It has the same traits as Titanium Mine.

Gold Mine (Level 30+)

Gold Mine
Gold Mine
  • Spawns in Haddar / Hagard and Death Valley.
  • Can be gathered in 4×18 = 72 seconds in Haddar / Hagard, and in 5×18 = 90 seconds in Death Valley with Unique Pickaxe only.
  • Each Gold Mine gives 4x Gold Ores in Haddar / Hagard, and 5x in Death Valley.
  • Gives 1,600 (4×400) Mining EXP in Haddar / Hagard, and 3,000 (5×600) Mining EXP in Death Valley.
  • There is a respawn time of 1,350 seconds (22 minutes, 30 seconds) in Haddar / Hagard, and 450 seconds (7 minutes, 30 seconds) in Death Valley.

Corrupted Gold Mine (Level 30+)

Respawns in Death Valley. It has the same traits as Gold Mine.

Special (rare) mines

Silver (Level 20+)

  • Spawns in Death Valley.
  • Can be mined with the Epic and Unique Pickaxes.
    • Can be gathered in 3×36 = 108 seconds with Epic Pickaxe,
    • and in 3×30 = 90 seconds with Unique Pickaxe.
  • Each Silver gives 3x Silver Dusts.
  • Gives 10,800 (3×3.600) Mining EXP.
  • There is a respawn time of 3,600 seconds (1 hour).

Gold (Level 30+)

  • Spawns in Death Valley.
  • Can be gathered in 3×36 = 108 seconds with Unique Pickaxe only.
  • Each Gold gives 3x Gold Dusts.
  • Gives 14,400 (3×4.800) Mining EXP.
  • There is a respawn time of 5,400 seconds (1 hour, 30 minutes).

Ancient Mine

Ancient Mine
  • Spawns in Death Valley.
  • Can be gatherred by up to 10 players at the same time.
  • Drops one of the following random materials in the specified count:
    • 25x Copper Ore
    • 25x Iron Ore
    • 20x Titanium Ore
    • 15x Gold Ore
    • 4x Silver Dust
    • 3x Gold Dust
  • Gives 500 Mining EXP.
  • There is a respawn time of 21,600 seconds (6 hours).

Patch Changes

  • 10.0.0 (25 December 2024)
    • Added Ancient Mine.
    • Copper Mine
      • Previously, it gave 8x Copper Ores in both Dorion and Kingdoms. It will now give 5x Copper Ores in Dorion and 6x in Kingdoms. With this change, the Mining EXP gain and default gathering times in Dorion and Kingdoms are changed as follows:
        • Dorion
          • Mining EXP gain: Reduced from 400 to 250 (8×50 -> 5×50).
          • Copper Pickaxe: Reduced from 144 seconds to 90 seconds (8×18 -> 5×18).
          • Rare Pickaxe: Reduced from 128 seconds to 80 seconds (8×16 -> 5×16).
          • Epic Pickaxe: Reduced from 112 seconds to 70 seconds (8×14 -> 5×14).
          • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 96 seconds to 60 seconds (8×12 -> 5×12).
        • Kingdoms
          • Mining EXP gain: Reduced from 480 to 300 (8×60 -> 5×60).
          • Copper Pickaxe: Reduced from 144 seconds to 108 seconds (8×18 -> 6×18).
          • Rare Pickaxe: Reduced from 128 seconds to 96 seconds (8×16 -> 6×16).
          • Epic Pickaxe: Reduced from 112 seconds to 84 seconds (8×14 -> 6×14).
          • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 96 seconds to 72 seconds (8×12 -> 6×12).
      • Increased the respawn time in Dorion from 600 seconds to 900 seconds (10 -> 15 minutes).
    • Iron Mine
      • Now gives 5x Iron Ores in Kingdoms, 6x in Haddar / Hagard (previously spawned only in Kingdoms and gave 6x Iron Ores).
        • With this change, here are the changes to Mining EXP gain and default gathering times in Kingdoms:
          • Mining EXP gain: Reduced from 600 to 500 (6×100 -> 5×100).
          • Rare Pickaxe: Reduced from 108 seconds to 90 seconds (6×18 -> 5×18).
          • Epic Pickaxe: Reduced from 96 seconds to 80 seconds (6×16 -> 5×16).
          • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 84 seconds to 70 seconds (6×14 -> 5×14).
      • Increased the respawn time in Kingdoms from 600 seconds to 900 seconds (10 -> 15 minutes).
      • Added to Haddar / Hagard with 6 materials, 720 (6×120) Mining EXP gain and 600 seconds (10 minutes) respawn time.
    • Titanium Mine
      • The amount of materials in Haddar / Hagard has been reduced from 6 to 5. With this change, Mining EXP gain and default gathering times in Haddar / Hagard have been changed as follows:
        • Mining EXP gain: Reduced from 1,200 to 1,000 (6×200 -> 5×200).
        • Epic Pickaxe: Reduced from 108 seconds to 90 seconds (6×18 -> 5×18).
        • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 96 seconds to 80 seconds (6×16 -> 5×16).
      • Respawn time in Haddar / Hagard increased from 600 seconds to 900 seconds (10 -> 15 minutes).
    • Gold Mine
      • Now gives 4x Gold Ores in Haddar / Hagard and 5x in Death Valley (previously gave 6x Gold Ores in both zones). With this change, changes to Mining EXP gains and default gathering times in Haddar / Hagard and Death Valley are as follows:
        • Haddar / Hagard
          • Mining EXP gain: Reduced from 2,400 to 1,600 (6×400 -> 4×400).
          • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 108 seconds to 72 seconds (6×18 -> 4×18).
        • Death Valley
          • Mining EXP gain reduced from 3,600 to 3,000 (6×600 -> 5×600).
          • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 108 seconds to 90 seconds (6×18 -> 5×18).
      • Increased the respawn time in Haddar / Hagard from 600 seconds to 1,350 seconds (10 -> 22 minutes, 30 seconds).
      • Increased the respawn time in Death Valley from 300 seconds to 450 seconds (5 -> 7 minutes, 30 seconds).
    • Silver
      • The amount of materials has been reduced from 4 to 3. With this change, the changes to Mining EXP gain and default gathering times are as follows:
        • Mining EXP gain reduced from 14,400 to 10,800 (4×3,600 -> 3×3,600).
        • Epic Pickaxe: Reduced from 144 seconds to 108 seconds (4×36 -> 3×36).
        • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 120 seconds to 90 seconds (4×30 -> 3×30).
      • Respawn time reduced from 7,200 seconds to 3,600 seconds (2 -> 1 hour).
    • Gold
      • The amount of materials has been reduced from 4 to 3. With this change, the changes to Mining EXP gain and default gathering times are as follows:
        • Mining EXP gain reduced from 19,200 to 14,400 (4×4,800 -> 3×4,800).
        • Unique Pickaxe: Reduced from 144 seconds to 108 seconds (4×36 -> 3×36).
      • Respawn time reduced from 10,800 seconds to 5,400 seconds (3 -> 1 hour, 30 minutes).
  • 9.5.0 (21 August 2024)
    • Copper Mine
      • Increased gathering time from 15 to 16 seconds with Rare Pickaxe, from 12 to 14 seconds with Epic Pickaxe, and from 9 to 12 seconds with Unique Pickaxe.
    • Iron Mine
      • Increased gathering time from 15 to 16 seconds with Epic Pickaxe, and from 12 to 14 seconds with Unique Pickaxe.
    • Titanium Mine
      • Increased the gathering time with Unique Pickaxe from 15 to 16 seconds.