Last updated on 10 August 2024 .

In this content, all quests in Rise Online, from Dorion to Death Valley, are comprehensively listed.

Repeatable quests


Min. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
75Defeating Elite Monsters I (Repeatable once a week)Agatha [Quest]It’s a dungeon quest. Kill 10x Hordemasters & 10x Ogre Siegebreakers in the Darkness Cavern and 10x Medusas & 10x Veteran Orcs in the Dragon’s Lair.800.000.000
75Defeating Elite Monsters II (Repeatable once a week)Agatha [Quest]It’s a dungeon quest. Kill 10x Drooling Ogres & 10x Marauders in the Darkness Cavern and 10x Hell Guardians & 10x Venomspillers in the Dragon’s Lair.

Death Valley

LevelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
70Defeat Harpies (Daily) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x Ravenous Harpies and 50x Scavenging Harpies.
Can be repeated after 20 hours turning in.
EXP: 80.000.000
70Defeat Undead King (Daily) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x Undead Kings.
Can be repeated after 20 hours turning in.
120.000.000 EXP
74-80Objectives: Kill 25 enemies daily I (EXP) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 25x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 9 hours turning in.
200.000.000 EXP
74-76Objectives: Kill 50 enemies daily (Chest of Development)[Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 9 hours turning in. Can be done between 19:00 and 01:00 (GMT+3) in the central area of Death Valley.
1x Chest of Development
75Defeat Polyarmed and Bael (Daily) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 75x Polyarmeds and 10x Baels.
Can be repeated after 20 hours turning in.
80-85Kaleb’s Trial[Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 25x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 22 hours turning in. Can be done in the central area of Death Valley.
Kaleb Dungeon Pass (Group)
81-85Objectives: Kill 25 enemies daily II (EXP) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 25x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 9 hours turning in.
1x Legendary XP Boost (1-85)
84-85Objectives: Kill 75 enemies daily[Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 75x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 9 hours turning in. Can be done between 19:00 and 02:00 (GMT+3) in the central area of Death Valley.
1x Chest of Glory
84-85Objectives: Kill 50 enemies daily [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 23 hours turning in.
1x Dorion Sigil
84-85Obtain Dorion Sigil [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Collect 7x Dorion Sigils.
Can be repeated after 1 hour turning in.
1x Holy weapon
Mage: Holy Staff (+1)
Priest: Holy Shield (+1), Holy Mace (+1), Holy Sword (+1)
Rogue: Holy Dagger (+1), Holy Bow (+1)
Warrior: Holy Polearm (+1), Holy Shield (+1), Holy Spear (+1)
84-85Objectives: Kill 100 enemies daily 2[Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 100x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 9 hours turning in. Can be done in the central area of Death Valley.
1x Celestial Chest
84-85Objectives: Kill 100 enemies daily 3[Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 100x enemy players.
Can be repeated after 23 hours turning in. Can be done between 19:00 and 02:00 (GMT+3) in the central area of Death Valley.
1x Golden Jade Chest

In addition to these, there are 4 repeatable quests in the Narun Tower. You can find these at the Narun Tower repeatable quests section far below.

Dorion quests (1-25, 75)


The quest below added to the game with the patch 5.0.0. You can find the normal Dorion quests below.

You can obtain the materials requested in this quest by:

  • Dorion Sea Shell & Sea moss: Found in the Dorion
  • Liverworth: Found in the Darkness Cavern. They are spread through the Darkness Cavern.
  • Snail Shell: Found in the Dragon’s Lair, around the pool just after the Venomspiller.
Min. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
75Collecting Materials IAgatha [Quest]Collect one of each Dorion Sea Shell, Liverworth, Snail Shell and Sea shell.300.000.000

Lunaskar and Protean players start the game from 2 different camps in Dorion, follow the quests from the shared NPC after certain quests, and can travel to the Lunaskar / Protean Kingdom after reaching level 25.

The questing order below is not focused on speed-leveling, but rather on following the quests in order and without skipping.

Dorion Quests - Rise Online

Protean NPCs

  1. Roland [Guard Captain] -> Sir Aric Dawnblade [Champion]
  2. Sir Aric Dawnblade [Champion] -> Roland [Guard Captain]
  3. Roland [Guard Captain] -> Argus [Sentinel]
  4. Argus [Sentinel] -> Thoren the Blacksmith
  5. Thoren the Blacksmith -> Garrick [Scout]
  1. Garrick [Scout] -> Gruff [Quest]
  2. Gruff [Quest] -> Leon [Quest]
  3. Leon [Quest] -> Akasha the Peacemaker
  4. Akasha the Peacemaker -> Agatha [Quest]
  5. Agatha [Quest] -> Haldun [Quest]
  6. Haldun [Quest] -> Sir Aric Dawnblade [Champion]

Lunaskar NPCs

  1. Grak [Guard Captain] -> Chief Karg Bloodthirst [Champion]
  2. Chief Karg Bloodthirst [Champion] -> Grak [Guard Captain]
  3. Grak [Guard Captain] -> Drakka [Sentinel]
  4. Drakka [Sentinel] -> Throk the Miner, Gromm [Scout]
  5. Throk the Miner, Gromm [Scout] -> Urgoth [Quest]
  6. Urgoth [Quest] -> Durok [Quest]
  7. Durok [Quest] -> Akasha the Peacemaker
  8. Akasha the Peacemaker -> Agatha [Quest]
  9. Agatha [Quest] -> Haldun [Quest]
  10. Haldun [Quest] -> Chief Karg Bloodthirst [Champion]

Where to get Aarvad Essence?

Aarvad Essence, the collection material for Dorion quests, drops from all creatures in Dorion.

Min. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
1Buy Potions (Tutorial Quest)Grak [Guard Captain]
Roland [Guard Captain]
Obtain a Small health potion and a Small mana potion.60x Small health potions
60x Small mana potions
1Buy an armor (Tutorial Quest)Grak [Guard Captain]
Roland [Guard Captain]
Obtain a Warrior Leather Boots.Leather Set (+2)
1Buy a weapon (Tutorial Quest)Grak [Guard Captain]
Roland [Guard Captain]
Obtain a Training Sword.Quest weapon (+2)
1Path to the Chief
Champion’s Ascent
Grak [Guard Captain]
Roland [Guard Captain]
Talk to the Chief Karg Bloodthirst / Sir Aric Dawnblade [Champion].EXP: 200
1Strength in Shadows
Trial of the Valiant
Chief Karg Bloodthirst [Champion]
Sir Aric Dawnblade [Champion]
Talk to the Drakka [Sentinel] / Argus [Sentinel] at the just outside of the camp.EXP: 200
1x Pet Mount (1 day)
1Rampaging Rabbitus
Bunny Bane
Drakka [Sentinel]
Argus [Sentinel]
Kill 5x Rabbituses.EXP: 1.200
Coin: 1.200
1Rogue Ragabounds
Guardian’s Call to Arms
Drakka [Sentinel]
Argus [Sentinel]
Kill 5x Ragabounds.EXP: 1.000
Coin: 1.000
1x Experience Increase Scroll
1x 200 HP Increase Scroll
1x 75 Physical Defense Increase Scroll
1x Movement Speed Increase Scroll
1Ruthless Turtles
Turtle Trouble
Drakka [Sentinel]
Argus [Sentinel]
Kill 5x Turtles.EXP: 800
Coin: 800
1Crystal Quarry
Forging the Trail
Throk the Miner
Thoren the Blacksmith
Collect 2x Aarvad Essences.Bronze Earring (5)
5Slythertooth MenaceGromm [Scout]
Garrick [Scout]
Kill 10x Slythertooths.EXP: 3.600
Coin: 3.600
5Slythertooth TreasuresGromm [Scout]
Garrick [Scout]
Collect 2x Aarvad Essences.Bronze Ring (5)
5Wrath of AzuranthGromm [Scout]
Garrick [Scout]
Kill the Azurak.EXP: 4.000
Coin: 3.200
7Thornspore Thicket
Glimmerwing Grounded
Urgoth [Quest]
Gruff [Quest]
Kill 10x Thornspores.
Kill 10x Glimmerwings.
EXP: 6.000
Coin: 6.000
7Thornspore Essence
Glimmerwing Relics
Urgoth [Quest]
Gruff [Quest]
Collect 3x Aarvad Essences.60x Medium health potion
60x Medium mana potion
7Fungal Foes
Lepicorn Threat
Urgoth [Quest]
Gruff [Quest]
Kill 10x Shrooms.EXP: 4.800
Coin: 4.800
7Mushroom Harvest
Lepicorn Loot
Urgoth [Quest]
Gruff [Quest]
Collect 3x Aarvad Essences.EXP: 2.400
Bronze Necklace (5)
7Sweeping BoarsDurok [Quest]
Leon [Quest]
Kill 5x Dire Boars and 5x Ravenous Boars.EXP: 5.000
10Manki Marauders
Manki Mischief
Durok [Quest]
Leon [Quest]
Kill 10x Mankis.EXP: 8.000
Coin: 8.000
10Manki HarvestDurok [Quest]
Leon [Quest]
Collect 5x Aarvad Essences.EXP: 6.000
Belt of Town Guard (5)
10Monkster’s Might
Monkster’s Challenge
Durok [Quest]
Leon [Quest]
Kill the Monkster.EXP: 10.000
3x Common Upgrade Scrolls
10WelcomeAkasha the PeacemakerTalk to the Agatha [Quest].EXP: 10.000
10The Wandering GuideAgatha [Quest]Talk to the Haldun [Quest] .Heavy Leather Set (+5)
10Gnoll Worker MenaceHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Gnoll Workers.EXP: 12.000
Coin: 12.000
10Gnoll Warrior’s ChallengeHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Gnoll Warriors.EXP: 16.000
Coin: 16.000
10Gnoll BountyHaldun [Quest]Collect 10x Aarvad Essences.Quest weapon (+6)
10Gnoll Archer AmbushHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Gnoll Archer.EXP: 16.000
Coin: 12.000
10Gnoll Shaman’s MischiefHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Gnoll Shaman.EXP: 24.000
40x Big health potions
40x Big mana potions
15Kobold MenaceHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Kobolds.EXP: 36.000
Coin: 20.000
15Alchemical AdversariesHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Kobold Alchemists.EXP: 40.000
Coin: 24.000
15Champion’s ChallengeHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Kobold Champions.EXP: 48.000
Coin: 32.000
15Kobold TreasuresHaldun [Quest]Collect 10x Aarvad Essences.60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
20Ogre RampageHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Ogre.EXP: 64.000
Coin: 40.000
20Two-Headed MenaceHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Two-headed Ogres.EXP: 72.000
Coin: 50.000
20Ogre Warrior’s ValorHaldun [Quest]Kill 10x Ogre Warriors.EXP: 80.000
Coin: 60.000
20Ogre BountyHaldun [Quest]Collect 10x Aarvad Essences.Plate Set
25-75Homeworld March (Lunaskar)
Homeworld March (Protean)
Haldun [Quest]Deliver Return to the Chief / Return to the Champion to the Chief Karg Bloodthirst [Champion] / Sir Aric Dawnblade [Champion] at the base camp where we started to the game.Quest weapon

Lunaskar Kingdom / Protean Kingdom quests (25-60)

Lunaskar KingdomLevelProtean Kingdom
[Quest] Zurock
25-35, 59[Quest] Ozra
[Quest] Vartan
Graveyard entrance
27[Quest] Darmus
Graveyard entrance
[Quest] Atah
Elenia Village
30-37[Quest] Alec
Siena Village
[Quest] Nakhaz
Pig farm
30[Quest] Lexia
Pig farm
[Quest] Chaka
Goblin village entrance
33[Quest] Duarte
Goblin village entrance
[Quest] Ulreg
Haddar gate
38[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Hagard gate
[Quest] Khal
Vurton Camp
44-49[Quest] Adamar
Tarron Camp
[Quest] Grasha
Edin Village
52-57[Quest] Shael
Moonwind Village
[Quest] Nambra
Camp at the Soothsayer slot
58[Quest] Arcaena
Camp at the Soothsayer slot
Level ranges mean that NPCs offer quests that unlock at those levels.
Min. levelMax. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
2575For The Peace Of The Kingdom! [Quest] Theron
[Quest] Captain Leonar
Deliver the Deliver the message [For the Kingdom 3] to the [Quest] Aleister‘a / [Quest] Makhul.72.000 EXP
2575Sweeping Trolls [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 10x Trolls, 10x Elder Trolls, and 10x Troll Chieftains.176.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
2575Obtaining Fabrics [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Collect 5x Raw fabrics.80.000 EXP
2575Croco Threat [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 10x Crocos.80.000 EXP
2775Cleaning Up The Road [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 10x Red Scorpions and 10x Pit Scorpions.168.000 EXP
Bronze Necklace (6)
2775Lisa’s Trails [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 15x Poisonous Scorpions.136.000 EXP
Silver Earring (6)
2775Preparing Antidote [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Collect 3x Poisonous Scorpion tails.68.000 EXP
2775Voices In The Night [Quest] Vartan
[Quest] Darmus
Kill 10x Zombie Axemen, 10x Zombie Hammermen, 10x Bloody Zombies, and 10x Ghouls.288.000 EXP
Silver Ring (6)
3075Pigs Gone Mad [Quest] Nakhaz
[Quest] Lexia
Kill 20x Mad Pigs.196.000 EXP
Belt of Town Guard (6)
3075We’re Having A Feast! [Quest] Nakhaz
[Quest] Lexia
Collect 3x Pork ribs.132.000 EXP
Heavy Plate gauntlets
3075Saber-toothed Cats [Quest] Atah
[Quest] Alec
Kill 20x Megantereons.218.000 EXP
Heavy Plate gauntlets
3275Insatiable Ogres [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 10x Enraged Beasts, 10x Awful Beasts, and 10x Stenchbeasts.320.000 EXP
Quest weapon
3275Dinner Time [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Collect 5x Fleshes.240.000 EXP
Heavy Plate helmet
3375Greedy Goblins [Quest] Chaka
[Quest] Duarte
Kill 10x Goblins, 10x Furious Goblins, 10x Goblin Warriors, and 10x Shaman Goblins.540.000 EXP
100x Great health potions
100x Great mana potions
3375Shining Gold [Quest] Chaka
[Quest] Duarte
Collect 5x Gold bags.400.000 Coin
Heavy Plate pants
3475Cleaning Up The Shore [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 20x Angry Crabs.300.000 EXP
Heavy Plate chestplate
3475Ingredient For The Meal [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Collect 3x Red claws.160.000 EXP
3575Deadly Bees [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Kill 20x Giant Hornets.372.000 EXP
3575Hornet Essence [Quest] Zurock
[Quest] Ozra
Collect 3x Bug Essences.180.000 EXP
3575Vicious Beasts [Quest] Atah
[Quest] Alec
Kill 20x Beasts.402.000 EXP
3675Two Headed Dogs [Quest] Atah
[Quest] Alec
Kill 20x Orthuses.482.000 EXP
3675Eye For Eye [Quest] Atah
[Quest] Alec
Kill 20x Beholders.540.000 EXP
3775Guardians Of Matta [Quest] Atah
[Quest] Alec
Kill 10x Matta’s Ice Guards, 10x Matta’s Fire Guards, and 10x Elemental Casters.792.000 EXP
120x Great health potions
120x Great mana potions
3775Obtaining Elements [Quest] Atah
[Quest] Alec
Collect a Water Essence, a Fire Essence, and an Earth Essence.482.000 EXP
3875Barbarians Of Exile [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 10x Barbarians and 10x Barbarian Orcs.667.000 EXP
3875Flasks For Potions [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect a Flask and a Big Flask.278.000 EXP
4075Frozen Heart [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 10x Frost Soldiers, 10x Frost Warriors, 10x Frost Knights, and 10x Frost Guards.1.160.000 EXP
Quest weapon
4075Collecting Frost Amulets [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect 5x Frost amulets.712.000 EXP
4175Keepers Of The Forest [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 10x Treants and 10x Burning Treants.870.000 EXP
4175Restoring The Nature [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect a Wood piece and a Burned wood.594.000 EXP
4275Don’t Get Poisoned [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 20x Poisonous Skeletons.1.358.000 EXP
4275More Antidote [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect 3x Poisonous bones.760.000 EXP
4375Cleansing The Forest [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 20x Fiery Skeletons.1.454.000 EXP
4375A Ring With Power [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect 3x Flame rings.780.000 EXP
4475We Are Surrounded [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Kill 20x Stalkers.1.600.000 EXP
Silver Earring (7)
4575They’re Getting Stronger [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Kill 20x Hunter Orcs.1.840.000 EXP
Silver Ring (7)
4675Battle Brawlers [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Kill 20x Orc Warriors.EXP: 2.100.000
Silver Necklace (7)
4775Assisting To Eliminate Orcs [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Kill 20x Raider Orcs.2.420.000 EXP
Belt of Town Guard (7)
4875Captain Awaits [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Kill 20x Veteran Orc.2.880.000 EXP
160x Great health potions
4975We’re Under Attack [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Kill 20x Orc Chieftains.3.400.000 EXP
160x Great mana potions
4975Collecting Orc Tokens [Quest] Khal
[Quest] Adamar
Collect 20x Orc tokens.5.800.000 EXP
Quest weapon
5075One-Eyed Giants [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 20x Cyclopses and 20x Dread Cyclopses.7.980.000 EXP
3x Basic Defense Scrolls
5075Blacksmith’s Request [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect 3x Huge maces.4.800.000 EXP
5175Stoned [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Kill 5x Gorgons and 5x Snake Queens.9.600.000 EXP
3x Basic Attack Scrolls
5175Georgeous Hair [Quest] Ulreg
[Quest] Iceheart Harok
Collect 3x Hairs.6.000.000 EXP
5275Old Lads I [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 30x Oracles.9.900.000 EXP
180x Great mana potions
5375Mythic Sash [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Collect 5x Purple sashes.6.400.000 EXP
5375Deadly Saboteurs [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 20x Saboteurs.12.600.000 EXP
5375Clanguards Among Us [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 30x Clanguards.14.400.000 EXP
5475Peace At Last [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 30x Skullsplitters.16.000.000 EXP
5475Trading For Goods [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Collect 10x Skulls.11.200.000 EXP
180x Great health potions
5575Into The Beast’s Lair [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 30x Manticores.19.220.000 EXP
Elite gauntlets
5575Rock Solid Golems I [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 30x Poisonous Rocks.20.404.000 EXP
Elite boots
5575Obtaining Poisonous Rock Pieces [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Collect 3x Poisonous rock pieces.8.800.000 EXP
5675Rock Solid Golems II [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 30x Flame Rock.25.200.000 EXP
Elite helmet
5675Obtaining Flame Rock Pieces [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Collect 3x Flame rock pieces.13.200.000 EXP
5775Harpy Hunt [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Kill 20x Harpies, 20x Scavenging Harpies, and 20x Ravenous Harpies.49.440.000 EXP
Elite pants
5775Unlucky Me [Quest] Grasha
[Quest] Shael
Collect 5x Harpy foots.15.400.000 EXP
5875Old Lads II [Quest] Nambra
[Quest] Arcaena
Kill 30x Soothsayers.37.000.000 EXP
Elite chestplate
5875True Mythic Sash [Quest] Nambra
[Quest] Arcaena
Collect 3x Soothsayers Red sashes.19.600.000 EXP
5975Hell Hounds[Quest] ZurockKill 40x Cerberuses.45.200.000 EXP
5975Queen Of The Harpies[Quest] OzraKill 40x Harpy Queens.45.200.000 EXP
5975Obtaining Cerberus Tails[Quest] ZurockCollect 3x Tail of Helldogs.19.200.000 EXP
5975Obtaining Blue Feathers[Quest] OzraCollect 3x Blue Feathers.19.200.000 EXP

Narun Tower quests (30-76)

Narun Tower

Min. levelMax. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
3075Defeat Cave Worm[Quest] NiaKill 20x Cave Worms.124.000 EXP
3075Defeat Wild Shroom[Quest] NiaKill 20x Wild Shrooms.140.000 EXP
3075Obtain Wild Mushroom[Quest] NiaCollect 5x Wild mushrooms.112.000 EXP
40x Great health potions
40x Great mana potions
3075Obtain Larva[Quest] NiaCollect 5x Larvas.104.000 EXP
40x Great health potions
40x Great mana potions
3575Defeat Red Tail[Quest] NiaKill 20x Red Tails.410.000 EXP
3575Defeat Cobra[Quest] NiaKill 20x Cobras.360.000 EXP
4075Defeat Giant Spider[Quest] NiaKill 25x Giant Spiders.540.000 EXP
4075Obtain Spider Leg[Quest] NiaCollect 5x Spider legs.364.000 EXP
40x Great health potions
40x Great mana potions
4075Defeat Archfiend Skull[Quest] NiaKill 25x Archfiend Skulls.520.000 EXP
4075Obtain Skull Wing[Quest] NiaCollect 5x Skull wings.360.000 EXP
40x Great health potions
40x Great mana potions
4575Defeat Void Golem[Quest] AriKill 30x Void Golems.1.240.000 EXP
4575Obtain Void Stones[Quest] AriCollect 5x Void stones.880.000 EXP
40x Great health potions
40x Great mana potions
4575Defeat Elder Skeleton[Quest] AriKill 30x Elder Skeletons.1.620.000 EXP
4575Defeat Bladesman[Quest] AriKill 30x Bladesman.1.480.000 EXP
5075Defeat Frost Fist[Quest] AriKill 30x Frost Fists.4.440.000 EXP
5075Obtain Blue Earring[Quest] AriCollect 5x Blue earring.2.440.000 EXP
60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
5075Defeat Fire Fist[Quest] AriKill 30x Fire Fists.5.220.000 EXP
5075Obtain Red Earring[Quest] AriCollect 5x Red earrings.2.640.000 EXP
60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
5575Defeat Chupabat[Quest] AriKill 35x Chupabats.13.720.000 EXP
5575Obtain Bat Wing[Quest] AriCollect 5x Bat wings.4.000.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
5575Defeat Hellhound[Quest] KaiKill 35x Hellhounds.16.600.000 EXP
6075Defeat Draha[Quest] KaiKill 40x Drahas.38.000.000 EXP
6075Defeat Gravebane[Quest] KaiKill 40x Gravebanes.42.600.000 EXP
6075Defeat Lava Golem[Quest] KaiKill 40x Lava Golems.44.200.000 EXP
6075Obtain Dragon Skull[Quest] KaiCollect a Dragon skull.8.000.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6075Obtain Fiery Ring[Quest] KaiCollect 5x Fiery rings.10.200.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6575Defeat Devourer[Quest] KaiKill 50x Devourers.98.800.000 EXP
6575Defeat Spiderwoman[Quest] KaiKill 50x Spiderwomen.82.000.000 EXP
6575Obtain Queen’s Leg[Quest] KaiCollect a Spiderqueen’s leg.12.260.000 EXP
100x Great health potions
100x Great mana potions
76Delicious Mushrooms[Quest] NiaCollect 4x Chanterelle Mushrooms.180.000.000 EXP

Where to find Chanterelle Mushroom?

While many quest items for Narun Tower quests can be obtained from creatures in Narun Tower, you can find the Chanterelle Mushrooms required for the Delicious Mushroom quest, which unlocked at level 76, in Narungard.

They spawn around small ponds and at least a Common Sickle (Harvesting life skill tool) is required to gather them.

Repeatable Narun Tower quests

In these four quests, we are asked to collect Narun Dust, Narun Stone, Narun Crystal and Narun Cube dropped from the creatures in Narun Tower.

Min. levelQuest nameDescriptionReward(s)
50[REPEATABLE] Obtaining Narun Dust (Repeatable once a week)Collect 10x Narun Dusts.3.000.000 EXP
60[REPEATABLE] Obtaining Narun Stone (Repeatable once a week)Collect 10x Narun Stones.30.000.000 EXP
70[REPEATABLE] Obtaining Narun Crystal (Repeatable once a week)Collect 10x Narun Crystals.100.000.000 EXP
80[REPEATABLE] Obtaining Narun Cube (Repeatable once a week)Collect 10x Narun Cubes.600.000.000 EXP
Narun Tower quests can be repeated every 7 days.

Haddar Lighlands / Hagard Castle quests (60-83)

Haddar Lighlands / Hagard Castle

Min. levelMax. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
6075Defeat Vampiric Bats [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 40x Vampiric Bats.55.476.000 EXP
6075Obtain Bat Wings [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Bat wings.12.550.000 EXP
60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
6075Defeat Black Mummies [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 40x Black Mummies.53.376.000 EXP
6075Defeat Mountain Harpies [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 40x Mountain Harpies.51.168.000 EXP
6075Obtain Waist Bands [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Waist bands.11.620.000 EXP
60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
6175Defeat Lizardmen [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 40x Lizardmen.58.176.000 EXP
6175Obtain Lizardman Heads [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Lizardman heads.13.370.000 EXP
60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
6175Defeat Stingers [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 40x Stingers.62.640.000 EXP
6175Obtain Stings [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Stings.14.800.000 EXP
60x Great health potions
60x Great mana potions
6275Defeat Venom Golems [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Venom Golems.81.720.000 EXP
6275Defeat Overseers [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Overseers.75.600.000 EXP
6275Obtain Rags [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Rags.16.250.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6275Defeat Cunning Harpies [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Cunning Harpies.70.560.000 EXP
6375Defeat Crimson Harpies [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Crimson Harpies.94.560.000 EXP
6375Obtain Red Feathers [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 10x Red feathers.19.700.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6475Defeat Graveguards [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Graveguards.140.640.000 EXP
6575Obtain Skullhorns [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Skullhorns.30.300.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6575Defeat Runic Golems [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Runic Golems.123.840.000 EXP
6575Obtain Runic Stones [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Runic stones.25.800.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6575Defeat Gravecrawlers [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Gravecrawlers.147.840.000 EXP
6575Obtain Gravestones [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 5x Gravestones.28.800.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
6675Defeat Tyrants [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 50x Tyrants.163.200.000 EXP
350.000 Coins
6775Obtain Book of Corruption [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect a Book of Corruption.43.200.000 EXP
6775Defeat Undead King [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 60x Undead Kings.185.760.000 EXP
6875Sweeping I [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 10x Ogre Beasts, 10x Ogres, and 10x Iron Thorns.EXP: 100.000.000
6875Sweeping II [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 10x Gaze Branches, 10x Wingrends, and 10x Gloomgongs.EXP: 100.000.000
6975Defeat Archdemons [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 66x Archdemons.199.999.999 EXP
6975Obtain Ancient Writings [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect an Ancient writings.60.066.600 EXP
6975Obtain Devil Whips [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 3x Devil whips.66.666.666 EXP
7075Sweeping Harpies [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 20x Mountain Harpies, 20x Cunning Harpies, and 20x Crimson Harpies.206.400.000 EXP
7075Sweeping Magicians [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 30x Overseers and 30x Undead Kings.220.800.000 EXP
80x Great health potions
80x Great mana potions
7175Defeat Orc Commander [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill the Orc Commander.153.600.000 EXP
7175Obtain Orc Commander’s Helmet [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect an Orc Commander’s Helmet.38.400.000 EXP
7275Defeat Bone Dragon [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill the Bone Dragon.172.800.000 EXP
7275Obtain Dragon’s Egg [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect a Dragon’s Egg.43.200.000 EXP
7375Defeat Lord of the Undead [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill the Lord of the Undead.160.000.000 EXP
7375Obtain Undeadlord’s Staff [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect an Undeadlord’s Staff toplayın.48.000.000 EXP
7475Defeat Bloodspiller [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill the Bloodspiller.211.200.000 EXP
7475Obtain Bloodspiller’s Axe [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect a Bloodspiller’s Axe.52.800.000 EXP
7576Defeat Hellfire [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill the Hellfire.230.400.000 EXP
7576Obtain Hellfire’s Sword [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect a Hellfire’s Sword.57.600.000 EXP
7576Defeat Dread Servants [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 10x Dread Servants.240.000.000 EXP
7576Obtain Lost Eyes [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect a Lost eye.60.000.000 EXP
200x Great health potions
200x Great mana potions
7576Sweeping Undeads [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 40x Undead Kings, 40x Gravecrawlers, and 40x Graveguards.540.000.000 EXP
77Defeat Xayroth [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 120x Xayroths.800.000.000 EXP
77Collecting Materials II [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 2x Desert Marigolds, 2x Thymes, 2x Turmerics, and 2x Peppermints.300.000.000 EXP
78Visit (Magnid) [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Deliver the Magnid’s Request to the Magnid.140.000.000 EXP
78Visit (Bogar) [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Deliver the Bogar’s Request to the Bogar.100.000.000 EXP
78Visit (Vanessa) [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Deliver the Vanessa’s Request to the Vanessa.120.000.000 EXP
78Visit (Milla) [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Deliver the Milla’s Request to the Milla.200.000.000 EXP
78Enhancing Ability [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Collect 2x Skill books.400.000.000 EXP
79Sweeping Hell Forces [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 2x Hell Guardians, 50x Archdemons, 50x Gravebanes, and 50x Hellhounds.720.000.000 EXP
80Sweeping Mythical Creatures [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 2x Medusas, 60x Manticores, and 60x Gorgons.840.000.000 EXP
81Defeat Rhoc [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 140x Rhoc. –920.000.000 EXP
82Defeat Earth Golem [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 160x Earth Golems. EXP
83Defeat Paralyzed Dragonkin [Quest] Baelkar
[Quest] Lilith
Kill 180x Paralyzed Dragonkins. EXP

Death Valley quests (60-85)

Death Valley

Min. levelMax. levelQuest nameNPCDescriptionReward(s)
60Objectives: Kill 10 Enemies [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 10x Lunaskars / Proteans.120 Battle Points
2.400.000 EXP
60Objectives: Kill 20 Enemies [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 20x Lunaskars / Proteans.240 Battle Points
4.800.000 EXP
60Objectives: Kill 50 Enemies [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x Lunaskars / Proteans.600 Battle Points
12.000.000 EXP
60Objectives: Kill 100 Enemies [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 100x Lunaskars / Proteans.1.200 Battle Points
24.000.000 EXP
60Objectives: Kill 250 Enemies [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 250x Lunaskars / Proteans.2.500 Battle Points
50.000.000 EXP
6075Defeat Flame Rock [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Flame Rocks.250 Battle Points
5.000.0000 EXP
6075Defeat Brutal Frog [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 30x Brutal Frogs.150 Battle Points
3.000.000 EXP
6075Defeat Treants [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 20x Treants and 20x Burning Treants.200 Battle Points
4.000.000 EXP
6075Defeat Guardfish [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 20x Elite Guardfishs.100 Battle Points
2.000.000 EXP
6075Defeat Matta’s Summonings [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Matta’s Lightning Guards.200 Battle Points
4.000.000 EXP
6075Defeat Poisonous Rock [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Poisonous Rocks.250 Battle Points
5.000.000 EXP
6175Defeat Ravenous Harpy [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Ravenous Harpies.300 Battle Points
6.000.000 EXP
6175Defeat Cyclops [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 20x Cyclopses and 20x Dread Cyclopses.200 Battle Points
4.000.000 EXP
6175Defeat Scavenging Harpy [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Scavenging Harpies.300 Battle Points
6.000.000 EXP
65Objectives: Kill 250 enemies II [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 250x Lunaskars / Proteans.5.000 Battle Points
100.000.000 EXP
6575Defeat Necromancer [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 80x Necromancers.600 Battle Points
12.000.000 EXP
6575Defeat Black Mummy [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
80x Black Mummies.500 Battle Points
10.000.000 EXP
6575Defeat Archdemon [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 60x Archdemons.400 Battle Points
8.000.000 EXP
6575Defeat Diviner [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 80x Diviners.500 Battle Points
10.000.000 EXP
6575Defeat Polyarmed II [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 60x Polyarmeds.400 Battle Points
8.000.000 EXP
6775Defeat Undead King [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 120x Undead Kings.1.000 Battle Points
20.000.000 EXP
6875Defeat Deathlord [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 80x Deathlords.800 Battle Points
16.000.000 EXP
70Defeat Harpies (Daily) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x Ravenous Harpies and 50x Scavenging Harpies.EXP: 80.000.000
70Defeat Undead King (Daily) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x Undead Kings.EXP: 120.000.000
70Objectives: Kill 300 enemies [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 300x Lunaskars / Proteans.7.500 Battle Points
150.000.000 EXP
7476Objectives: Kill 50 enemies daily (Chest of Development) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x enemy players.1x Chest of Development
7480Objectives: Kill 25 enemies daily I (EXP) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 25x Lunaskars / Proteans.200.000.000 EXP
75Objectives: Kill 300 enemies II [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 300x Lunaskars / Proteans.10.000 Battle Points
200.000.000 EXP
75Defeat Polyarmed and Bael (Daily) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 75x Polyarmeds, 10x Baels.200.000.000 EXP
8085Kaleb’s Trial [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 25x Lunaskars / Proteans.Kaleb Dungeon Pass (Group)
8080Defeat Necromancer (Event) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Necromancers and 10x Lunaskars / Proteans. EXP
8181Defeat Undead King (Event) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Undead Kings and 10x Lunaskars / Proteans. EXP
8282Defeat Deathlord (Event) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Deathlords and 10x Lunaskars / Proteans. EXP
8383Defeat Archdemon (Event) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Archdemons and 10x Lunaskars / Proteans. EXP
8484Defeat Bael (Event) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 40x Baels and 10x Lunaskars / Proteans. EXP
8185Objectives: Kill 25 enemies daily II (EXP) [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 25x Lunaskars / Proteans.300.000.000 EXP
1x Legendary XP Boost (1-85)
8485Defeat Bael [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 200x Baels.1.400.000.000 EXP
8485Objectives: Kill 50 enemies daily [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 50x enemy players.1x Dorion Sigil
8485Obtain Dorion Sigil [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Collect 7x Dorion Sigils.1x Holy weapon
Mage: Holy Staff (+1)
Priest: Holy Shield (+1), Holy Mace (+1), Holy Sword (+1)
Rogue: Holy Dagger (+1), Holy Bow (+!)
Warrior: Holy Polearm (+1), Holy Shield (+1), Holy Spear (+1)
8485Objectives: Kill 75 enemies daily [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 75x Lunaskars / Proteans.1x Chest of Glory
8485Objectives: Kill 100 enemies daily 2 [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 100x Lunaskars / Proteans.1x Celestial Chest
8485Objectives: Kill 100 enemies daily 3 [Quest] Gurang
[Quest] Dua
Kill 100x Lunaskars / Proteans.1x Golden Jade Chest