Last updated on 3 September 2024.

Weapon Smithing is one of the crafting life skills in Rise Online.

Weapons and shields can be crafted by combining desired materials with Weapon Smithing. The items crafted by Weapon Smithing are not stronger than those obtained as drops, but they are either good items used in different areas or slightly lower power compared to general use. We can call the items crafted by Weapon Smithing more situational items.

Weapon Smithing EXP Amounts

Between 1-10804.000
Between 11-205.856.000
Between 21-3019.944.000
Between 31-4092.160.000

Weapon Smithing Crafted Items

Epic weapons crafted with Weapon Smithing are crafted at grade +3.

Craft time (sec)Cooldown (min)EXP GainedCost (Coin)
Level 120400200
Level 240720400
Level 4611.080600
Level 6821.320800
Level 81021.6001.000
Level 121232.1001.200
Level 141442.7601.600
Level 181664.0002.400
Level 202086.0004.000
Level 2424108.0006.000
Level 28281510.80010.000
Level 30302012.80020.000
Level 32603024.00030.000
Level 34906036.000200.000
Level 3812012048.000500.000
Craft time (sec)Cooldown (min)EXP GainedCost (Coin)
Level 1 – Common life skill tools20400200
Level 16 – Rare life skill tools601010.0005.000
Level 26 – Epic life skill tools902020.00020.000
Level 36 – Unique life skill tools1203040.000250.000

Enhanced Rare, Epic and Unique gathering tools increase gathering speed and EXP gained from gathering:

  • Enhanced Rare: 3%
  • Enhanced Epic: 5%
  • Enhanced Unique: 7%

Level 1


Training Knife
Iron Spike
Woodcutter’s Axe

Common life skill tools

Common Fishing Rod
Common Pickaxe
Common Secateurs
Common Shovel
Common Sickle
Common Skinning Knife
Common Stonehammer
Common Wood Axe

Level 2

Long Handled Sickle
Wooden Shield
Scepter *
* Versions of Scepter with Fire / Ice / Lightning damage bonus are crafted separately. Resistance Potion material is used based on the damage bonus, but not all.

Level 4

Beast Sword
Carving Knife
Frozen Circle
Training Axe

Level 6

Fine Axe
Hunting Bow
Silver Rapier
Training Shield
Spiritcaller *
* Versions of Spiritcaller with Fire / Ice / Lightning damage bonus are crafted separately. Resistance Potion material is used based on the damage bonus, but not all.

Level 8

Great Club

Level 12

Frozen Heart
Practice Sword
War Axe

Level 14

Kite Shield
Reflex Bow
Savage Axe
Grand Staff *
* Versions of Grand Staff with Fire / Ice / Lightning damage bonus are crafted separately. Resistance Potion material is used based on the damage bonus, but not all.

Level 16

Enhanced Rare Fishing Rod
Enhanced Rare Pickaxe
Enhanced Rare Secateurs
Enhanced Rare Shovel
Enhanced Rare Sickle
Enhanced Rare Skinning Knife
Enhanced Rare Stonehammer
Enhanced Rare Wood Axe

Level 18

Seismic Hammer

Level 20

Iron Hammer

Level 24

Light Glaive
Shield of the Town Watch
Steel Axe
Steel Crossbow
Whirling Mace
Skull Cane *
* Versions of Skull Cane with Fire / Ice / Lightning damage bonus are crafted separately. Resistance Potion material is used based on the damage bonus, but not all.

Level 26

Enhanced Epic Fishing Rod
Enhanced Epic Pickaxe
Enhanced Epic Secateurs
Enhanced Epic Shovel
Enhanced Epic Sickle
Enhanced Epic Skinning Knife
Enhanced Epic Stonehammer
Enhanced Epic Wood Axe

Level 28

Berserker Blade
Double Edged
Necromancer’s Staff *
* Versions of Necromancer’s Staff with Fire / Ice / Lightning damage bonus are crafted separately. Resistance Potion material is used based on the damage bonus, but not all.

Level 30

Bone Crusher
Guardian’s Shield

Level 32

Last Letter
Brutal Impaler
Eternal Axe
Golden Snake
Hand Axe of Minotaur

Level 34

Superior Doombringer
Superior Earthshaker
Superior Frozen Mace
Superior Harpoon
Superior Hatred’s Blade
Superior Hellreaver
Superior Hysterial Staff
Superior Jeremias’ Claymore
Superior Swiftblade
Superior Vixen
Superior War Scythe

Level 36

Enhanced Unique Fishing Rod
Enhanced Unique Pickaxe
Enhanced Unique Secateurs
Enhanced Unique Shovel
Enhanced Unique Sickle
Enhanced Unique Skinning Knife
Enhanced Unique Stonehammer
Enhanced Unique Wood Axe

Level 38

Superior Exalted Doombringer
Superior Exalted Earthshaker
Superior Exalted Frozen Mace
Superior Exalted Harpoon
Superior Exalted Hatred’s Blade
Superior Exalted Hellreaver
Superior Exalted Hysterial Staff
Superior Exalted Jeremias’ Claymore
Superior Exalted Swiftblade
Superior Exalted Vixen
Superior Exalted War Scythe

Patch Changes

  • 9.5.0: Weapon Smithing updated.
    • Rare, Epic, and Unique gathering tools will now only be crafted in Enhanced versions, and their crafting levels and crafting materials have been updated.
      • Rare gathering tools moved from level 10 to 16, Epics from level 20 to 26, and Uniques from level 30 to 36.
      • You can see the crafting material changes in the relevant levels below.
    • Level 16
      • Enhanced Rare gathering tools have had their crafting time increased from 12 to 60 seconds, their crafting cost increased from 1,500 to 5,000, their EXP gained increased from 3,000 to 10,000, and their cooldown increased from 3 to 10 minutes.
      • Increased the Holy Tree Lumber requirement for Enhanced Rare gathering tools from 1 to 4. Additionally:
        • Enhanced Rare Fishing Rod: Pine Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 4 to 16.
        • Enhanced Rare Pickaxe: Pine Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Rare Secateurs: Tanned Leather (Boar) requirement increased from 1 to 4, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Rare Shovel: Pine Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 4 to 16.
        • Enhanced Rare Sickle: Pine Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 4 to 16.
        • Enhanced Rare Skinning Knife: Tanned Leather (Boar) requirement increased from 1 to 4, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Rare Stonehammer: Pine Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Stoneblock requirement increased from 2 to 4, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Rare Wood Axe: Pine Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, and Iron Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
    • Level 26
      • Enhanced Epic gathering tools crafting time increased from 20 to 90 seconds, crafting cost increased from 4,000 to 20,000, EXP gained increased from 8,000 to 20,000, and cooldown increased from 8 to 20 minutes.
      • Enhanced Epic gathering tools’ Holy Tree Lumber requirement removed (was 1) and Firefly Lumber requirement increased from 1 to 4. Additionally:
        • Enhanced Epic Fishing Rod: Aspen Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 1 to 4.
        • Enhanced Epic Pickaxe: Aspen Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Epic Secateurs: Tanned Leather (Tiger) requirement increased from 1 to 3, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Epic Shovel: Aspen Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 1 to 4.
        • Enhanced Epic Sickle: Aspen Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 1 to 4.
        • Enhanced Epic Skinning Knife: Tanned Leather (Tiger) requirement increased from 1 to 3, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Epic Stonehammer: Aspen Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Stoneblock requirement increased from 2 to 4, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Epic Wood Axe: Aspen Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Titanium Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
    • Level 36
      • The crafting time of Enhanced Unique gathering tools has been increased from 30 to 120 seconds, the crafting cost from 50,000 to 250,000, the EXP gained from 14,400 to 40,000, and the cooldown from 20 to 30 minutes.
      • Enhanced Unique gathering tools’ Firefly Lumber requirement removed (was 1), and Soulsage Lumber requirement increased from 1 to 4. Additionally:
        • Enhanced Unique Fishing Rod: Birch Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, Gold Plate requirement increased from 1 to 4.
        • Enhanced Unique Pickaxe: Birch Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Gold Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Unique Secateurs: Tanned Leather (Bear) requirement increased from 1 to 2, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Gold Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Unique Shovel: Birch Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, Gold Plate requirement increased from 1 to 4.
        • Enhanced Unique Sickle: Birch Plank requirement increased from 3 to 12, Gold Plate requirement increased from 1 to 4.
        • Enhanced Unique Skinning Knife: Tanned Leather (Bear) requirement increased from 1 to 2, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Gold Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Unique Stonehammer: Birch Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Stoneblock requirement increased from 2 to 4, Gold Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
        • Enhanced Unique Wood Axe: Birch Plank requirement increased from 2 to 8, Iron Bar requirement increased from 1 to 4, Gold Plate requirement increased from 2 to 8.
    • Level 40: The crafting of unique weapons has been discontinued. The weapons that can be crafted were:
      • Shield of Prophecy
      • Enhanced Viper
      • Jade Dagger
      • Axe of Destruction
      • Cannibal Blade
      • Hell’s Scream
      • Luna’s Fire Rod
      • Luna’s Flash Rod
      • Luna’s Glaze Rod
      • Mithril Spear
      • Rogue Shield
      • Warlock’s Shield
  • 9.0.4: Weapon Smithing has been completely updated. The crafting costs and materials for many weapons have changed, while Enhanced Epic weapons have been discontinued.