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  1. Crystal Fortress War  and Blood Valley events will be determined according to the level of the players. For example, if you are at level 75, your group players are at the same level, or if there are no other players at your level, players of level 74 will come.
  2. Now you have to wait for 1 minute to be a collector when you change the channel.


  1. The slowing effect of Poisonous Mushroom ability has been fixed.
  2. The problem of not creating the health change logs in the Healing Circle skill has been fixed.
  3. The bug in the Havoc etc. Warrior class poison has been fixed.
  4. The problem of items such as Skill book, 2500 HP Scroll, 300 Defense Scroll not appearing on Auction House has been fixed.
  5. The damage of Wand of Fire, Wand of Ice and Wand of Lightning skills has been increased.
  6. Dispelling Aura skill area has been expanded.
  7. Sharp Eye ability range has been adjusted to see 25 meters.
  8. The bug in the item Asparagus with Tomatoes has been fixed.
  9. The issue where the Squid item cannot be used has been fixed.
  10. The undeliverable problem in some missions has been fixed.
  11. The damage of the Poisonous Mushroom skill has been adjusted.
  12. The damage of the Critical Bolt skill has been increased.
  13. The mana value of Superior Impact has been reduced.
  14. The problem of the enemy getting out of the target when comboing at close range using the Tripple Shot and Penta Shot abilities of the archer characters has been fixed.
  15. The combo mechanic of the Scepter class has been updated. Example: When applying the combination of R + Minor + Pot + Rush + Savage, the problem that 2 abilities do not work when the keypress times are close has been fixed.
  16. Priest and Mage classes applied as W + Skill / W+ Skill in combination, the problem of talents getting failed has been fixed.
  17. Fixed a bug where Priest and Mage classes could not use abilities while under attack.
  18. The problem of not being able to use R while the mouse left button is pressed + following the target has been fixed.
  19. The keyboard input detection problem covering all classes in skill usage has been fixed.
  20. Ancient +1 +2 +3 items (non-upgradeable rare items) drops have been added to Archdemon, Undead King, Satyr, Flame Rock and Poisonous Rock creatures in the Death Valley map.
  21. Reduced Imperial Armor drops on the Hagard and Haddar maps.
  22. The problem of not losing mana after using some abilities has been fixed.
  23. The problem of mana disappearing as the animation starts when using the Mark the Weakling ability has been fixed.
  24. The cast range of the Smoke Bomb ability has been updated to 20 meters, and the issue where the ability does not work when used directly on the enemy has been fixed.
  25. The damage done by Mage characters to creatures on dungeon maps has been increased.
  26. The problem that users of level 70 and above cannot gain XP from Ogre and Barbarian Human creatures in Solo Dungeon Hell and Death mode has been fixed.
  27. The animations of Fire Trail , Icy Trail , Teleporting Portal , Glacial Reflection, Reflecting Blaze, Reflection of Lightning, Poisonous Mushroom abilities have been changed.
  28. Roasted Corn Asparagus with Poached Egg Tomato Quiche items can now be pressed simultaneously with XP Boost scrolls.
  29. The tax in the market system has been adjusted as 2%.
  30. The problem of searching for Skill Book on Auction House has been fixed.
  31. Auction House -> Item Removal Tax (3%) has been reactivated, but now if you leave your items for 24 hours, it will be automatically removed without paying any tax.
  32. The error of detecting the letters in some nicknames as profanity has been fixed.
  33. The UI size of the printed scrolls has been updated.
  34. The Global Chat Window usage level has been updated. 1 – 65
  35. Improvement work was done for R.O.W Assistant.


  1. New CPU optimization settings have been add to the launcher:
    • “Low performance (ROW)” will decrease the CPU usage for the rise online process only. this profile is suitable for pazar mode.
    • “High performance” will use the full power of the CPU with a decrease of 15% from the old version. this profile is suitable for PK mode.
    • “Low performance (Global)” will decrease the global  CPU usage for all processes. this is the old version profile.
    • “Off” to disable all the CPU optimization if you are facing any problems.
Rise Online - 3.1.2 Patch Notes
  1. New optimization setting has been add to the game settings widget inside the Video tab called “FPS Booster”. this setting will increase your FPS in the crawdad locations and decrease the FPS drop. this setting is active by default.
  2. If you have a CPU lower than or equal 4 cores and 8 threads, you will not be able to modify the FPS limit (60 by default) and you will not be able to close the Automatic Performance Mode(APM).

Source: https://www.riseonlineworld.com/en/patch-notes/-guncelleme-notu-3-1-2

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