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- A low rate of Ancient Weapon and Upgrade Scrolls have been added to the drops of Black Mummy, Diviner, Necromancer, Burning Treant and Treant creatures in the Death Valley map.
- The Ancient Weapon and Upgrade scroll drop rates in the Undead King, Satyr, Archdemon, Flame Rock and Poisonous Rock creature drops have been slightly increased.
- Upgrade scroll drops on Cyclops and Dread Cyclops creatures have been slightly increased.
- The upgrade scroll drop rate in the Deathlord creature has been slightly increased.
- The Epic Weapon, Jewelry group and upgrade scroll drop rate in the Tyrant creature have been slightly increased.
- The drops of Bosses in the Solo and Group Dungeon maps have been slightly increased.
- Craft epic armors and craft imperial armors not appearing issue has been fixed.
- Fixed the issue where abilities were not deleted after Mount Race exited.
- Fixed the issue of using abilities during Mount Race cooldown.
- Halloween Event has been extended until Thursday, November 10th.
- The chance to obtain items from the Witchy invader has been doubled.
- Witchy invader respawn time has been reduced.
- The chance to obtain items from the Spooky invader has been doubled.
- Spooky invader respawn time has been reduced.
- Trickster Pumpkin invader HP reduced by half.
- Fixed items that do not have Spirit Bond information on them.
- Chat and Log bar are not moved when locked.
- Chat Window has been edited to be closed.
- The Death message section that you set in the Settings section has been edited to remain registered.
- Window opacity adjustment has been adjusted to work on Jobs, Clan, Friends etc. pages.
- Lucky Draw Event window has been updated.
- Optimization work has been carried out for FPS drops and Crash errors in the game.
Source: https://www.riseonlineworld.com/en/patch-notes/-patch-notes-3-2-2
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