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  1. A low rate of Ancient Weapon and Upgrade Scrolls have been added to the drops of Black Mummy, Diviner, Necromancer, Burning Treant and Treant creatures in the Death Valley map.
  2. The Ancient Weapon and Upgrade scroll drop rates in the Undead King, Satyr, Archdemon, Flame Rock and Poisonous Rock creature drops have been slightly increased.
  3. Upgrade scroll drops on Cyclops and Dread Cyclops creatures have been slightly increased.
  4. The upgrade scroll drop rate in the Deathlord creature has been slightly increased.
  5. The Epic Weapon, Jewelry group and upgrade scroll drop rate in the Tyrant creature have been slightly increased. 
  6. The drops of Bosses in the Solo and Group Dungeon maps have been slightly increased.
  7. Craft epic armors and craft imperial armors not appearing issue has been fixed.
  8. Fixed the issue where abilities were not deleted after Mount Race exited.
  9. Fixed the issue of using abilities during Mount Race cooldown.
  10. Halloween Event has been extended until Thursday, November 10th.
    • The chance to obtain items from the Witchy invader has been doubled.
    • Witchy invader respawn time has been reduced.
    • The chance to obtain items from the Spooky invader has been doubled.
    • Spooky invader respawn time has been reduced.
    • Trickster Pumpkin invader HP reduced by half.
  11. Fixed items that do not have Spirit Bond information on them.
  12. Chat and Log bar are not moved when locked.
  13. Chat Window has been edited to be closed.
Rise Online - 3.2.2 Patch Notes
Rise Online - 3.2.2 Patch Notes
  1. The Death message section that you set in the Settings section has been edited to remain registered.
Rise Online - 3.2.2 Patch Notes
  1. Window opacity adjustment has been adjusted to work on Jobs, Clan, Friends etc. pages.
  2. Lucky Draw Event window has been updated.


  1. Optimization work has been carried out for FPS drops and Crash errors in the game.

Source: https://www.riseonlineworld.com/en/patch-notes/-patch-notes-3-2-2

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