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  1. The Crystal Fortress map has been visually adjusted.
2.0.8 Patch Notes
  1. Fixed bugs found in the single dungeon map.
  2. Fixed bugs found in Haddar & Hagard & Death Valley map.
  3. Added effects to Rotten Sword & Stone Breaker and Overseer weapons.
  4. Item arrangements:
    • The Swiftness Set Bonus has been updated since the set bonuses do not have Elemental Damage structure.
      • New set bonus:
        • Fire Resistance: 20
        • Ice Resistance: 20
        • Lightning Resistance: 20
        • Poison Resistance: 20
    • Updated Magus Set Bonus because set bonuses do not have Elemental Damage.
      • New set bonus:
        • HP Bonus: 80
        • Fire Resistance: 20
        • Ice Resistance: 20
        • Lightning Resistance: 20
    • The “Health 12” bonus on the Black Soul Pendant has been updated to “Health 5”.
  5. The item drop rates for Elite Chest, Royal Chest, Gold Chest, Silver Chest and Wooden Chest reward boxes have been adjusted.
  6. Added country flags on Supply Merchant NPC.
  7. The days and rewards of the Blood Valley event have been activated:
    • Days: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
    • Rewards: Winner -> Royal Chest Loser -> Elite Chest
  8. Reduced the attack range of turrets in the Crystal Fortress map.
  9. Improved the loading system of character names on the Death Valley map.
  10. A precaution has been brought to the upgrade system. It will ask for captcha after every 50 upgrades.
  11. Dungeon rights system has been updated. After users successfully reach the Dungeon map, their access rights will be reduced.
  12. Attendance times for events have been updated to 5 minutes.

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