Last updated on 5 March 2024.

Blood Valley is a 20vs20 party, so, 160vs160 PvP event. The event lasts 45 minutes.

Each team tries to collect points until time runs out. The first team to reach 1500 points within 45 minutes wins. If 1500 points are not reached, the team with the most points at the end of the time wins.

Blood Valley
Blood Valley
Blood Valley


  • Your team earns 1 point for each player you kill from the opposing side.
  • When you destroy Monuments belonging to both sides, your team earns 50 Points.
  • When you destroy the large Monument in the middle, it gives your team 100 Points.
Blood Valley
Blood Valley
Blood Valley

Event Hours

To enter the event, the Join window will appear on your screen, you can click and register and enter.

Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

Start: 22:00 (GMT+3)

Blood Valley Entry Requirements

  • Entry level minimum is 70.
  • You must have 10,000 Battle Points or more. (The participation button will not appear for players with Battle Points less than 10,000.)
  • To enter the event, the Join window will appear on your screen, you can click and register and enter.

Note: Players with an attack restriction penalty will not be able to enter the Blood Valley event.

Blood Valley Rules

  • Winner: The team with the highest score at the end of the time or the first to reach 1500 points.
  • Draw: Score of 750 or above (Both sides must have a score of 750 or above when the event ends).
  • Loser: Score of 750 or above (Losing side must have a score of 750 or above when the event ends).
  • Players who are in the room at the end of Blood Valley will be able to win rewards.
    • Players whose party wins but is on another map cannot win rewards.
  • In order to receive a reward, you must earn at least 5% of the Battle Points of the player in your group who earned the most Battle Points during the event. Otherwise, even if your side wins, you cannot receive a reward.
  • Players who remain AFK on Blood Valley map will be kicked out.

Blood Valley Rewards

  • Winner: Royal Chest
  • Loser: Elite Chest