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What’s new

  • New coins option has been added to the spin system. Click here for details.
  • Deathmatch event has been activated. Click here for more info.
    • The event will be held in the Death Valley zone and the Deathmatch map.
      • The Deathmatch map will be activated in future updates.

Note: Punishments imposed after 19 April 2024 were checked in detail, and accounts that did not contain programs that did not directly affect the gameplay were unbanned within the scope of general amnesty and sent to the Exile Island map.

  • Your character in the Stall will now appear with these costumes:


  • Inferno Temple entry level limits have been changed.
    • These level limits are valid for a while. It may be restored in future updates.
    • 84-85
      • The winning team receives 2x Onyx Crystals.
      • In case of a draw, both teams win 1x Red Crystal.
      • The losing team wins 1x Green Crystal.
    • 82-83
      • The winning team receives 2x Red Crystals.
      • In case of a draw, both teams win 1x Yellow Crystal.
      • The losing team wins 1x Green Crystal.
    • 79-81
      • The winning team receives 2x Yellow Crystals.
      • In case of a draw, both teams win 1x Green Crystal.
      • The losing team wins 1x Green Crystal.
  • When you block your private message from the settings, the other party will receive a “Private Message Off” notification when they send you a message.
  • You will be asked to confirm when you want to delete items from the clan warehouse.
  • Fixed the issue where windows assigned to shortcut keys would not close with the same key again.
  • Fixed the issue where the Paralyzed Dragonkin creature, which only gave EXP in the Haddar and Hagard zones, did not count towards the related quest.
  • Work was done on the issue of receiving weight errors when Gathering.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC names would rarely appear from very far away.