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What’s new

  1. Deathmatch Event has been activated. Click here for all info.
9.3.0 Patch Notes
9.3.0 Patch Notes
  1. The faction with the highest participation in the Inferno Temple event are arranged to face each other in the latest instances (such as Lunaskar vs Lunaskar).
  2. The Mount Race event at 03:00 has been moved to 06:00 (GMT+3).
  3. The entry requirement for Hagard Castle 5 and Haddar Lighlands 5 channels has been updated to 100,000 Battle Points.

General changes

  1. A work has been done on the problem of stucking on a black screen on the Character Select screen.
  2. A change has been made to the coin font in the Spin system.
  3. Instant page refresh has been activated when item / coin is taken from Auction House / Inbox.
  4. The issue where the texts in Description and Clan message in the Clan tab were overflowing outside the window has been fixed.
  5. A coloring system was made according to creature difficulty.
    • If the creature level is much lower than your character level, its name will be white colored,
    • If the creature level is lower than your character level, its name will be orange colored,
    • If the creature level is very close to your character level, its name will be green colored,
    • and if the creature level is higher than your character level, the creature name will be red colored.
  6. Items in the inventory can now be transferred to Bag Expansion by right-clicking.
  7. Adjusted filter settings in Quest Journal.
  8. Corrected typos in the event calendar.
  9. Character sitting / standing animation has been accelerated.
  10. Improvements have been made to the Bloody Valley event entry system as a party.
  11. Made some adjustments to Quarrying:
    • The material quantity of Sandstones in Dorion has not changed, but the obtaining rate has been updated.
      • 50% Stone, 50% Rough Stone (previously, it was all Rough Stone).
    • Material quantitiy of Ironstones in Kingdoms has been increased from 6 to 7.
      • Rough Stone obtaining rate increased from 75% to 85%, Iron Ore obtaining rate decreased from 25% to 15%.
    • Material quantity of Limestones in Haddar / Hagard increased from 6 to 8.
      • Rough Stone obtaining rate increased from 66% to 75%, Marble obtaining rate decreased from 34% to 25%.
    • Material quantity of Granite Rocks in Haddar / Hagard increased from 6 to 10.
      • Rough Stone obtaining rate increased from 66% to 80%, Granite obtaining rate decreased from 34% to 20%.

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