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What’s new
Daily login rewards have been reset.
- 1+1 event has started on Aarvad server (The maximum level you can be is 80) .
- The event end date is 30 June 2024.
- Event valid for even levels. For example, when you reach level 64, you will automatically jump to level 66.
- 1+1 event has been activated up to level 70 on the Galia and Mantis server.
- The event end date is 30 June 2024.
- Event valid for even levels. For example, when you reach level 64, you will automatically jump to level 66. You must have Premium to benefit from the event.
- Battle Point icons have been updated. Separated into season and all-time.
- The shape without effect represents the season points ranking, the overall ranking with frame effect.
- If you have a higher symbol in the general ranking, it will appear on your character.
- If a character with a frame icon does not log in to the game for 7 days, their name will be removed from the icon list.
- Her gün 12:00-19:00 saatleri arasında Death Valley merkez bölgesinde her 30-45 dakikada bir Wraith, Ent, Undead Champion ve Undead Skeleton mini bossları spawn olacaktır.
- The drop rates of bosses in this region are higher than in other regions.
- Ent and Wraith mini bosses will spawn in Dorion 6 on the Galia and Mantis servers, and in Dorion 1 on the Aarvad server.
- Respawn time is between 5-6 hours.
- Creatures have 20 different spawn points.
- Undead Skeleton and Undead Champion mini bosses will spawn in Protean Kingdom 1 and Lunaskar Kingdom 1 channels on all servers.
- Respawn time is between 5-6 hours.
- Creatures have 20 different spawn points.
Drop list
- Earrings:
- Rings:
- Necklaces:
- Belts:
- Other:
- Silver Bar
- The new Death Valley map has been activated in Deathmatch mode. The days and hours will be announced in the coming days.
- Exclusive VFX’s have been added to +7 +8 and +9 grades of Elite, Imperial and Radiant armor sets for all classes.
- The level 85 mode of the Deathmatch event at 17:00 (GMT+3) has been updated to level 65.
- Celestial Anklet item has been activated on Galia and Mantis servers.
- The Celestial Chest quest has been activated on Galia and Mantis servers. You can accept it from the quest NPC on the Death Valley.
- The quest will be available every day between 19:00 – 02:00 (GMT+3).
- Note: Enemy kill quests doesn’t count simultaneously.
- The quest will be available every day between 19:00 – 02:00 (GMT+3).
You can perform the quest in the marked areas in the screenshot:
- Priest
- When you use the Revive (4 stone res) and Resurrect (30 stone res) skills in the Debuffer skill tree, a 15-second countdown will now begin for the skill to be accepted.
- Rogue
- Slash, Cut Off, Deep Cut and Carnage’s damage slightly reduced.
- Warrior
- The damage dealt by Swordstrike, Tectonic Strike, Swordquake Slam and Earthshaker Strike skills against the Warrior class has been slightly reduced.
- When the Rampage skill is used, the effect of reducing the defense by 25% has been adjusted to 20%.
- Green, Yellow, Red Crystal drops obtained from Inferno Temple have been reduced slightly. Onyx Crystal drop rates have been increased.
- Fixed issues that occurred when equipping items while Bag Expansion was on.
- The minimum level to vote in kingdom elections has been updated to 80.
- Deathmatch:
- The issue where the icon of the Priest class on the scoreboard appeared white has been fixed.
- The respawn window design specific to the Deathmatch event has been renewed:
- HP Scroll count in the Deathmatch event have been updated to 2 and a 60-second cooldown has been added.
- The issue where item numbers appeared red on the Auction House has been fixed.
- The upgrade animation that appeared on the screen when the “Enter” key was pressed when there was no item in the upgrade window was removed.
- Fixed the old item preview issue when you hover over the Preview option.
- Daily Spin allowance has been increased to 20.
- Fixed the issue where the icon extends beyond the window when the chat and log window is maximized.
- The minimum character level required to equip and use unique gathering tools has been increased from 75 to 80.
- Work on new damage regulations has begun. You will be able to see these changes in the game in the next update. Details will be shared during the week.
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