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  1. Craft Premium has been activated.
9.5.0 Patch Notes

The gathering and crafting bonuses on EXP Premium and Farm Premium products will be reduced to 10% after 90 days.

Craft Premium is not included in Complete Premium.

  1. Online market (stall) was closed for use. Auction House / Sell system was activated instead.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  • You can only buy sell in the Dorion.
  • Sale markets on other maps have been closed.
  • Pazarınız online pazar gibi kurulu olacak fakat bu sistem ile başka bir Dorion kanalındaki oyuncu sizin olduğunuz kanala gelmeden eşyanızı satın alabilecek.
    • For example, you set up your market on Dorion 1, the player in the Dorion 8 will be able to buy the item you sell without changing channels.
  • Premium characters (EXP, Farm and Battle) can sell 16 items, non-premium characters can sell 8 items at the same time.
  • Satış pazarını bozmak istediğinizde ilk önce oyun içinden (hareket ederek) pazarı bozun. Daha sonra A.H / My Orders kısmından “Remove” edebilirsiniz.
    • Your items will be delivered to A.H / Inbox.
  • The items you have purchased will no longer come to your inventory, but will be delivered to Auction House/Inbox.
  1. Inferno Event has been renewed.
    • Your team must protect their monument or destroy the opposing team’s monument.
    • Monument respawn time is 1 minute.
    • 1 point will be awarded to your team for destroying the monument.
    • Inferno Temple win requirement have been reduced from 100 to 50.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. Relic eşyası aktif edildi.
    • You can purchase the Relic item for 300,000,000 Coins from the Shop > Glory section.
      • Purchased Relic will be relivede to Auction House / Inbox section.
    • Relic Upgrade Scroll can be obtained from “Death” mode of Land Of Despair and Darkness Cavern dungeons, and “Hard” mode of Svaland dungeon. You can also get it from the Soul creature in Death Valley.
    • You can upgrade your item from the Rewindable Upgrade section of the upgrade NPC.
    • The minimum grade of the item is 1 and the maximum upgradeable grade is 25.
    • You can increase your upgrade chance with the Lucky Charm.
    • The Relic is unique to the character and cannot be traded, sold or stored.
    • Coins are not required during item upgrade.
  • If the item fails during the upgrade, it will not destroyed, but will return to per tier level.
  • When Relic is +5 and above, it cannot drop below +5 if it fails during the upgrade.
  • When Relic is +10 and above, it cannot fall below +10 if it fails during the upgrade.
  • When Relic is +15 and above, it cannot drop below +15 if it fails during the upgrade.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
9.5.0 Patch Notes

If a +4 Relic fails during an upgrade, it drops to +1.
If a +8 Relic fails during an upgrade, it drops to +5.
If a +12 Relic fails during an upgrade, it drops to +10.
If a +21 Relic fails during an upgrade, it drops to +15.

9.5.0 Patch Notes
9.5.0 Patch Notes
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. New bag slot added. In the new bag slot Material Bag, you can store only stackable items.
    • Available only with the Craft Premium.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. A nick copy button has been added to the private message system.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. You will be able to send a private message by right-clicking on the player from the party bar.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. The background image of the Ancient items has changed.
  2. The total price without tax deductions from the items you offer for sale has been added.
9.5.0 Patch Notes

Total price info has been activated in the buy market.

9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. The costume hiding feature has been activated so that only the armor headgear is visible.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. Scroll of Valor is now available in the Shop.
    • Sold in packs of 10.
    • Each Scroll of Valor has a duration of 60 minutes.
    • You can put it up for sale 48 hours after you receive it in your inventory.
    • Increases Battle Point gain by 10.
Scroll of Valor


  1. New changes have been made for some items and accessories.
  2. Lunaskar tarafındaki Defeat Deathlord (Event) görevinin gözükmemesi sorunu giderildi.
    • The quest can only be done at level 82.
  3. Fixed the problem of creatures entering the walls in the new Death Valley zone.
  4. Fixed the problem that the minimap size, information window does not become transparent and cannot be saved during channel changes.
  5. Fixed the issue where the skill on the mouse right button shortcut stays in memory even if the skills are reset.
  6. Fixed the bug in auto party join and auto teleport code in R.O.W.A settings.
  7. Fixed an issue where HP Leech and Mana Burn bonus on items would give 2 times more health or mana than the displayed rate.
    • Fixed the issue where HP Leech and Mana Burn bonus from several items would log separately.
  8. Defensive Priest removed from the Deathmatch event.
  9. Deactivated archer class damage to newborn characters in the Deathmatch event.
  10. Fixed a bug that caused animation cancellation when you auto-attack without targeting any enemies.
  11. Confusion Potion item has been renamed to Phantom Elixir.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. Smoke Bomb’s point requirement increased from 7 to 20.
  2. Stepback’s point requirement increased from 54 to 84.
  3. Smoke Bomb and Stepback skills have been added to the unlockable with Skill book group.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  • The Phantom Elixir item is required to use the Smoke Bomb and Stepback skills.
    • This item can be obtained from a potion merchant or Alchemists.
  1. Expanded the areas where BP should not be gained in the race villages of the Death Valley zone.
  2. Fixed a bug in the buy merchant system where countable items were being purchased at high prices.
  3. Fixed the issue where new quest weapons (Holy weapons) could be stored in the bank.
  4. You will no longer be able to use AoE skills if there is any object (stone, wall, tree etc.) in front of your character.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. Fixed the issue with Crafting Speed and Gathering Speed bonus items that were reportedly not working.
  2. Setting up a market that exceeds your weight amount in Buy Merchant is closed.
  3. Fixed the “The skill is already in the active.” error that appeared on the screen in events.
  4. Fixed an issue where the requirements were incorrectly displayed when upgrading Refined items.
  5. In the Deathmatch event, capes are no longer visible.
  6. Fixed an issue where players of different races in the same party could attack each other in the Crystal Fortress War.
  7. Turned off the Buy Merchant on Dorion 10 map.
  8. Fixed the issue where the same races appear friendly when they fight against in the Inferno event.
  9. Fixed an issue with the HP value in the Ranger’s Pendant.
  10. Fixed the issue where when you put the upgrade scroll in the Blacksmith with the item, it seems to be deleted from the bag.
  11. Fixed an issue where the background image of the Talents section would not change when you changed gender.
  12. An announcement will be made when you convert your Ancient accessory through the item combine system.
  13. Deathmatch entry level has been adjusted to 84.
  14. Grade +7, +8, and +9 items can no longer be dismantled.
  15. Deathmatch entries are now random.
  16. R.O.W. Assistant has been activated in the Death Valley.
    • R.O.W. Assistant will stop as soon as the opposing race deals damage.
    • R.O.W. Assistant cannot be enabled in the Death Valley central region.
  17. In the Inferno Temple, players who try to go to the opposite race zone will automatically teleported back to their race zone.
  18. The buy market has been adjusted to require a minimum of 3 letters in the item search system.
  19. The number of Bag Expansion slots has been increased from 20 to 25.
  20. Revised FX at grades +7, +8, +9, and +10 for armors.
  21. Adjustments have been made to the running animations of all classes except the Lunaskar Warrior male character.
  22. Updated the skill information window design.
9.5.0 Patch Notes
  1. The tax rate in Buy and Sell markets has been fixed at 3%.
    • The tax rate for Shop items such as Magic Puppet, Repair Hammer, etc. is 10%.
  2. When you set up a Buy Market, it has been arranged to have a market vendor costume.
  3. The distribution of Treant and Burning Treant slots in Death Valley has been adjusted.
  4. Changes have been made to the Death Valley zone design and some problematic areas have been fixed.
  5. Fixed an issue that occurred after private message windows filled the screen.
  6. The Oath Breaker weapon has been reverted to its original name (Sermon’s Scepter) and appearance.
  7. Holy Priest Earring, Pendant, and Ring can now only be equipped by the Priest class.
  8. Fixed an issue where the Archer class could not use Rush II while equipped with a shield.



  • Scorching Spray, Lightning Spray, and Ice Spray damage reduced by 13%.
    • Mage class overall damage reduced by 5%.

Life Skill Changes

  • The number of gathering objects in the zones has been arranged in accordance with the hierarchical balance.
    • The leather rate found in the skinnable animals has been increased from 66% to 80%, and the number of materials obtained from them (except Elephants) has been increased to 5. The leather yield rate from Elephants has been updated to 40%.
    • Mushroom and Asparagus gathering items in Haddar / Hagard and Tomato, Potato, Onion, Mushroom and Asparagus gathering items in Death Valley have been removed.
    • Gemstone obtaining rate from Archaeology Excavation Site Lv3 increased from 6% to 9%. Gemstone obtaining rate from Excavation Site Lv4 increased from 12% to 25%.
  • When you switch to another zone or channel, the time you have to wait to perform a new gathering has been increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • The amount of time you have to wait to gather a different material has been increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Reduced the gathering speed of gathering tools on low-level materials.
    • For example; in Dorion, while you can gather in the same amount of time with Common Wood Axe and Rare Wood Axe in the Woodcutting life skill, you can gather in 9 seconds instead of 8 seconds with Epic Wood Axe, and in 8 seconds instead of 6 seconds with Unique Wood Axe. The reason for this adjustment is to make the high pressure of high-level gathering tools on low-level materials more reasonable and to make the gathering speed bonuses more effective and usable.
  • Increased the gathering speed in Harvesting and Herbalism life skills by 2 seconds.
    • For example, the Tomato that used to take 6 seconds to gather in Dorion with Common Sickle can now be gathered in 8 seconds, and the can now be collected in 5 seconds with Unique Sickle, while it used to take 3 seconds. The reason for the increased gathering speeds for Harvesting and Herbalism materials is that there are many places in the game where you can get a gathering speed bonus, and as a result, the effect of these bonuses has become less in these life skills.
  • Fixed the weight error in Excavation Site Lv3 and Excavation Site Lv4 excavation areas.
  • Updated the gathering speed and experience bonuses provided by Enhanced gathering tools and added them to their descriptions.
    • Enhanced Rare Tool: 5%
    • Enhanced Epic Tool: 7%
    • Enhanced Unique Tool: 10%
  • Updated NPC prices for gathering tools.
    • Common: 100,000
    • Rare: 1,000,000
    • Epic: 5,000,000
    • Unique: 20,000,000
  • Repair costs for gathering tools have been increased.
  • Gathering tool usage levels have been updated.
    • Common: level 1
    • Rare: level 75
    • Epic: level 80
    • Unique: level 85
  • Fixed issues with foods and potions that were reported not to work.
  • Fixed item descriptions for Puffer, Blue Marlin, Swordfish.
  • Added +5 Health bonus to all Enhanced armor set bonuses from Leather to Imperial.


  • The duration of the Fire, Ice, Lightning and Poison Resistance potions has been increased to 5 minutes. Resistance values have been added to their descriptions. The descriptions of other potions that were reported to have incorrect descriptions, such as Stealth Potion and Lullaby Potion, have been edited.
  • Stealth Potion crafting fee has been updated to 500,000 Coins.
  • Confuse Potion has been renamed to Phantom Elixir.
  • Valor Potion items’ durations have been updated to 20 minutes.
  • The Craft Coin item in the Alchemy life skill has been removed to be readded later.

Armor Smithing

  • New work has been done on the Armor Smithing life skill.
  • You can obtain Scrap Leather and Scrap Metal items from unsuccessful Enhanced armor craftings.
  • Tier 5-6 Enhanced Priest and Mage armor stat bonuses have been updated to Health.


  • The possibility of burning food in the Cooking has been removed at this stage.
  • Fixed an issue where Asparagus with Poached Egg (Skinning Speed) and Roast Chicken (Skinning XP) dishes were reported not working together.
  • Reduced the effect duration of Roasted Corn and Roasted Potato dishes to 5 minutes.
  • Lemonade repair rate increased to 40%.
  • The repair rate of the Menemen with Onion dish has been increased to 65%.
  • Roasted Chicken and Vegetables and Meat Skewer meals have been discontinued.
  • Some recipes have been updated.
  • The crafting levels of dishes prefixed Delicious have been increased by 10 levels.

Jewel Crafting

  • Jewel Crafting recipes have been updated.


  • A new work was conducted on the Leatherworking life skill.
  • Level 40 crafting: Material Bag (30 Days) will be activated in the next patch. Material Bag; It is an additional bag where you can store only your stackable items. You can craft this item in the Leatherworking life skill with 30 Scrap Leather and 10 Scrap Metal items. You can obtain Scrap Leather and Scrap Metal items by unsuccessfully crafting Enhanced armor. Scrap items are non-tradable.


  • Marble Block and Granite Block exchange options have been added to the Others section of the crafting interface.


  • A new work was conducted on the Tailoring life skill.
  • Level 40 crafting: Material Bag (7 Days) will be activated in the next patch. Material Bag; is an additional bag where you can store only your stackable items. You can craft this item in the Tailoring life skill with 40 Scrap Fabric. You can obtain Scrap Fabric item by unsuccessfully crafting Enhanced armor. Scrap items are non-tradable.

Weapon Smithing

  • Enhanced gathering tool crafting levels and recipes have been updated.
    • Enhanced rare: Level 16
    • Enhanced epic Level 26
    • Enhanced unique Level 36
  • Level 40 weapons have been discontinued.

Click here to see Jewel Crafting, Weapon Smithing, Armor Smithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and Cooking life skill changes (archive.is).

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