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  1. Crystal Fortress War event rewards have been activated.
Rise Online - 2.0.6 Patch Notes
  1. Crystal Fortress War event times have been set.
    • Everyday; 11:00 – 17:00 – 23:00 (UST/GMT)
Rise Online - 2.0.6 Patch Notes
  1. The character transmutation scroll has been added to the shop. You can exchange from the Rise [Master] NPC located in the Dorion region.
Rise Online - 2.0.6 Patch Notes
Rise Online - 2.0.6 Patch Notes
  1. Duel system has been activated.
Rise Online - 2.0.6 Patch Notes
  1. The new battle map Blood Valley has been activated for testing.
Rise Online - 2.0.6 Patch Notes


  1. Fixed the counting issue in Gathering quests.
  2. Fixed the issue where completed quests were displayed with the “all” option selected in the quest window.
  3. When you press the ENTER button again after buying a large number of items from the market, automatic purchase is prevented.
  4. Increased the Intelligence requirements of some Mace weapons in the Priest class.

Source: https://www.riseonlineworld.com/en/patch-notes/-guncelleme-notu-2-0-6