Last updated on 16 June 2024.

Dragon’s Lair, which can be entered as a group (8 people), can only be entered once a day and has 4 different difficulties, just like the solo dungeons:

  • Easy: 63+
  • Hard: 65+
  • Hell: +68
  • Death: +70

The dungeon completion time is 60 minutes.

Dragon’s Lair creatures and bosses

  • Desperate Skull
    • The key that opens the door to the first room drops from these creatures.
  • Ogre
  • Orc Chieftain
  • Medusa (mini boss)
  • Veteran Orc (1st boss) – Spawns after Orc Chieftains and Medusa cleared.
  • Matta’s Fire Guard (2x)
  • Scared Rae
    • The key needed to reach the Hell Guardian platform drops from these creatures.
  • Hell Guardian (2nd boss)
  • Poisonous Plant
    • Clear these creatures before Venomspiller, or you’ll take constant damage.
  • Venomspiller (3rd boss)
  • Fiery Skeleton
  • Poisonous Skeleton (4th boss)
    • The door to the final boss will not be opened until you clear the Fiery Skeletons and the 4th boss.
  • Diabolic Dragon (5th and the final boss)

Dragon’s Lair (group dungeon) drop list